Scripts & Tools

This section goes over the scripts and tools added to your InsightIQ instance when you install the IIQTools package. Each section should have some examples of what running the script looks like, or what the tool does.


The point of this script is to provide a convenient way for users to collect logs and configuration information about InsightIQ so that remote support can investigate any issues that they are having.

Examples (assuming your running as the root users)

Printing the help message:

[root@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_gather_info --help
usage: iiqtools_gather_info [-h] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] --case-number

Generate a .tar file for debugging InsightIQ

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        The directory to write the .tgz file to (default:
  --case-number CASE_NUMBER
                        The Service Request number. Used in naming tar file.
                        (default: None)

Generating a gather:

[root@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_gather_info --case-number 1234
2017-09-11 14:53:45,298 - INFO - Collecting config information
2017-09-11 14:53:46,123 - INFO - Collecting log files
2017-09-11 14:53:48,126 - INFO - Log gather complete
2017-09-11 14:53:48,126 - INFO - Created log file /home/administrator/IIQLogs-sr1234-1505166825.tgz

Forgetting to provide the --case-number argument:

[root@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_gather_info
usage: iiqtools_gather_info [-h] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] --case-number
iiqtools_gather_info: error: argument --case-number is required

Outputting the tar file to a different directory:

[root@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_gather_info --case-number 1234 --output-dir /datastore
2017-09-11 14:55:44,195 - INFO - Collecting config information
2017-09-11 14:55:44,451 - INFO - Collecting log files
2017-09-11 14:55:45,957 - INFO - Log gather complete
2017-09-11 14:55:45,957 - INFO - Created log file /datastore/IIQLogs-sr1234-1505166944.tgz


Starting with InsightIQ 3.2, you could export a cluster’s database from one instance, then import it later or on another InsightIQ instance. Initially, the exported data was in tar file format, but in InsightIQ 4.1 we switched to using a zip file. The switch was to resolve a bug where importing large exports would time out. The data contained within the tar and the zip files is identical; only the compression format has changed. This means that if we convert an old tar export to zip, we can use that archive in newer versions of InsightIQ.

Use cases for this script:

Migration Upgrades
Instead of upgrading an existing deployment, you export the data on your old instance, use this script to convert the format, and then import that data on a new deployment of InsightIQ. This approach is ideal for OVA deployments of InsightIQ because the newer OVAs for InsightIQ have the latest security patches applied, and the root partition is configured with LVM.
Maintain Legacy Exports
With the upgrade to 4.1, any datastore exports created on the older version of InsightIQ are no longer compatible. This script will update the format of those older datastore exports so you can continue to use them in newer versions of InsightIQ.

Usage Examples

Obtaining the help message:

[administrator@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_tar_to_zip --help
usage: iiqtools_tar_to_zip [-h] -s SOURCE_TAR [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
Convert .tar to .zip for IIQ datastore export files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SOURCE_TAR, --source-tar SOURCE_TAR
                        The source .tar file to convert to .zip (default:
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        The (default: /home/administrator)

Simple usage (this export was only about 20MB in size):

[administrator@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_tar_to_zip --source-tar /datastore/insightiq_export_1505412864.tar.gz
2017-09-15 16:57:02,669 - INFO - Converting /datastore/insightiq_export_1505412864.tar.gz to zip format
2017-09-15 16:57:02,849 - INFO - InsightIQ datastore tar export contained  2 files
2017-09-15 16:57:02,850 - INFO - Converting insightiq_export_1505412864/dog-pools_003048c644105df4124ad80c701933e83eff.dump
2017-09-15 16:57:03,120 - INFO - Converting insightiq_export_1505412864/dog-pools_003048c644105df4124ad80c701933e83eff_config.json
2017-09-15 16:57:03,160 - INFO - New zip formatted file saved to /home/administrator/

Creating the new zip in a different directory:

[administrator@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_tar_to_zip --source-tar /datastore/insightiq_export_1505412864.tar.gz --output-dir /tmp
2017-09-15 17:00:08,897 - INFO - Converting /datastore/insightiq_export_1505412864.tar.gz to zip format
2017-09-15 17:00:09,073 - INFO - InsightIQ datastore tar export contained  2 files
2017-09-15 17:00:09,073 - INFO - Converting insightiq_export_1505412864/dog-pools_003048c644105df4124ad80c701933e83eff.dump
2017-09-15 17:00:09,337 - INFO - Converting insightiq_export_1505412864/dog-pools_003048c644105df4124ad80c701933e83eff_config.json
2017-09-15 17:00:09,374 - INFO - New zip formatted file saved to /tmp/


A rather straght forward script that prints the version of InsightIQ and IIQTools that’s installed.

Example Usage:

[administrator@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_version
IIQTools: 0.1.0


A tool for installing, uninstalling, and displaying patches to IsightIQ source code.


Installing and uninstalling requires the InsightIQ application to be restarted. Running the iiqtools_patch tool with sudo will automatically restart the application.

Display all installed patches:

[administrator@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_patch --show


        Count: 1

Display details for a specific patch:

[administrator@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_patch --show

Here's an example patch details

Uninstalling a patch as a non-root user:

[administrator@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_patch --uninstall patch1234
2017-10-03 12:49:19,656 - INFO - Successfully uninstalled patch
2017-10-03 12:49:19,657 - INFO - Non-root user detected for patch install. Unable to restart InsightIQ.
2017-10-03 12:49:19,657 - INFO - **Patch wont take effect unless you restart InsightIQ**

2017-10-03 12:49:19,657 - INFO - Please run the following command to restart InsightIQ:
2017-10-03 12:49:19,657 - INFO - sudo service insightiq restart

Installing a patch with sudo:

[administrator@localhost ~]$ sudo iiqtools_patch --install insightiq-patch-1234.tgz
[sudo] password for administrator:
2017-10-03 12:54:26,643 - INFO - Installed IIQ version:
2017-10-03 12:54:26,644 - INFO - Patch min version: 4.1.0
2017-10-03 12:54:26,644 - INFO - Patch max version:
2017-10-03 12:54:26,645 - INFO - Successfully installed patch
2017-10-03 12:54:26,645 - INFO - Restarting InsightIQ
2017-10-03 12:54:34,098 - INFO - Stopping insightiq:       [  OK  ]
Starting insightiq:                                        [  OK  ]


The point of this tool is to make automating backups of your cluster data easy; just setup a crontab!

InsightIQ supports exporting/importing cluster data, but it requires a user to click through the UI. This tool calls the same API as the UI, but instead does the API call from the CLI instead of a browser. The API that is called requires a user with elevated privileges for the backup to work. Attempting to use a read-only user will cause your backups to fail. To be clear, this tool needs an admin of InsightIQ, not the host Linux machine running the InsightIQ application.


It’s highly recommend to setup a local user instead of using the default administrator.

Setting up the iiq_backup user account

The default administrator account used by InsightIQ has sudo power over the host machine running the application. In other words, that account is root by a different name. The iiqtools_cluster_backup tool requires a password to be supplied, either as a CLI argument or interactively. When setting up a crontab, you must use the CLI argument option. This means that the password will be in clear text in the crontab file. TODO link to stackoverflow This is the main reason that setting up an alternate account is a great idea! All local users on the host machine running InsightIQ are by default admin account in the application.

To create the iiq_backup user account, run the following command:

[administrator@localhost ~]$ sudo useradd iiq_backup && sudo passwd iiq_backup

Once that user is created, you’ll have to give them access to the key file:

[administrator@localhost ~]$ sudo chmod 440 /etc/isilon/secret_key
[administrator@localhost ~]$ sudo chown :iiq_backup /etc/isilon/secret_key

Usage Examples

Here are some examples of using the iiqtools_backup_cluster tool.

Printing available clusters:

[administrator@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_cluster_backup --show-clusters
Clusters monitored by InsightIQ

Interactively supplying the password:

[administrator@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_cluster_backup --clusters myOtherCluster --location /mnt/backups --username iiq_backup
Please enter the password for iiq_backup :
Cluster archive underway.
To monitor status you can either follow /var/log/insightiq_export_import.log or
check the Settings page in the InsightIQ UI.

Backing up to an NFS export:

[administrator@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_cluster_backup --clusters myCluster --location --username iiq_backup --password a
Cluster archive underway.
To monitor status you can either follow /var/log/insightiq_export_import.log or
check the Settings page in the InsightIQ UI.

Backing up multiple clusters:

[administrator@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_cluster_backup --clusters myCluster isi-nas-01 --location /mnt/backups --username iiq_backup --password a
Cluster archive underway.
To monitor status you can either follow /var/log/insightiq_export_import.log or
check the Settings page in the InsightIQ UI.

Trying to backup a cluster while the InsightIQ application is offline:

[administrator@localhost ~]$ iiqtools_cluster_backup --clusters myCluster --location --username iiq_backup --password a
***Unable to communicate with the InsightIQ API***
Please verify that the insightiq service is running and try again

Crontab Examples

This section assumes you’ve created the iiq_backup user account.


Only one backup can happen at a time.

Backup every Monday at 1:00 AM

0 1 * * * mon iiqtools_cluster_backup --clusters myCluster myOtherCluster isi-nas-01 --location isi-nas.corp:/ifs/iiq/backups --username iiq_backup --password a

Backup only the cluster you care about, once a month at 2:00 AM

0 2 1 * * * iiqtools_cluster_backup --clusters myCluster --location /mnt/backups --username iiq_backup --password a