Source code for iiqtools.utils.versions

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
This module make obtaining and comparing version strings easy!
import glob
import os
from collections import namedtuple
from pkg_resources import get_distribution, DistributionNotFound

[docs]class Version(object): """Implements comparison operators for common version strings Only versions strings upwards of 4 digits and consisting only of numbers is supported. Version strings breakdown into ``major``, ``minor``, ``patch``, and ``build``. Example:: >>> version_as_string = '1.2.3' >>> version = Version(name='myPackage', version=version_as_string) >>> version.major 1 >>> version.patch 3 >>> type(version.minor) <type 'int'> >>> type( <type 'NoneType'> Comparing Versions:: >>> v1 = Version(name='myPackage', version='1.2.3') >>> v2 = Version(name='newPackage', version='1.4.0') >>> v1 < v2 True >>> v2 >= v1 True >>> v2 == v1 False The Version object also support comparison of string versions:: >>> v1 = Version(name='foo', version='4.5') >>> v1 > '5.0' False It's worth noting, more specific versions (that would otherwise be equal), are considered greater:: >>> v1 = Version(name='bar', version='1.2.0') >>> v1 > '1.2' True This is because a version without a value is None, and zero is greater than None in Python:: >>> 0 > None True """ # for semantic versioning _semver = ('major', 'minor', 'patch', 'build') def __init__(self, version, name): self._name = name if not isinstance(version, str): msg = 'Version object can only be created from string, supplied %s, %s' % (version, type(version)) raise TypeError(msg) else: version_breakdown = version.split('.') if len(version_breakdown) < 2: # Pretty much every version number is dot-delimited so we should # at least two items, must not be a version raise ValueError("Unexpected value for version, %s" % version) else: for idx, semantic_version in enumerate(self._semver): try: number = int(version_breakdown[idx]) setattr(self, '_%s' % semantic_version, number) except ValueError: msg = 'Version only support integer values, failed to cast %s for %s' % (semantic_version, version) raise ValueError(msg) except IndexError: if idx == 3 or idx == 2: # some versions only consist of major.monior, like google chrome setattr(self, '_%s' % semantic_version, None) else: # re-raise the error for debugging raise self._version = version @property def name(self): return self._name @property def semver(self): return self._semver @property def version(self): return self._version @property def major(self): return self._major @property def minor(self): return self._minor @property def patch(self): return self._patch @property def build(self): return self._build def __len__(self): return len(self._version.split('.')) def __repr__(self): """How we represent the object""" return 'Version(name=%s, version=%s)' % (, self.version) def _get_other(self, other): """This method is to enable comparison with versions as strings :Returns: Version :param other: **Required** The object being compared to this one :type other: String or Version """ if isinstance(other, str): try: other_version = Version(other, name=None) except ValueError: msg = "Unable to compare %s and %s" % self, other raise TypeError(msg) else: return other_version elif isinstance(other, Version): return other else: msg = 'Unable to compare types %s and %s' % (type(self), type(other)) raise TypeError(msg) def __hash__(self): """Because __hash__ goes away if you define __eq__""" return hash(self._version) def __eq__(self, other): """Defines the behavior for testing for equivalence, '==' :Returns: Boolean :param other: The other object to compare this one against :type other: Version """ other_version = self._get_other(other) for semver in self._semver: if getattr(self, semver) != getattr(other_version, semver): return False else: # Yup, for/else is a thing in Python: return True def __ne__(self, other): """Defines the behavior for testing for non-equivalence, '!=' :Returns: Boolean :param other: The other object to compare this one against :type other: Version """ other_version = self._get_other(other) for semver in self._semver: if getattr(self, semver) != getattr(other_version, semver): return True else: return False def __lt__(self, other): """Define the behavior for testing for less than '<' :Returns: Boolean :param other: The other object to compare this one against :type other: Version """ other_version = self._get_other(other) for semver in self._semver: if getattr(self, semver) > getattr(other_version, semver): return False elif getattr(self, semver) < getattr(other_version, semver): return True if len(self) == len(other_version): return False def __gt__(self, other): """Define the behavior for testing for greater than or equal, '>' :Returns: Boolean :param other: The other object to compare this one against :type other: Version """ result = True other_version = self._get_other(other) for semver in self._semver: if getattr(self, semver) > getattr(other_version, semver): return True elif getattr(self, semver) < getattr(other_version, semver): return False if len(self) == len(other_version): return False def __le__(self, other): """Define the behavior for testing for less than or equal '<=' :Returns: Boolean :param other: The other object to compare this one against :type other: Version """ other_version = self._get_other(other) for semver in self._semver: if getattr(self, semver) < getattr(other_version, semver): return True elif getattr(self, semver) > getattr(other_version, semver): return False if len(self) == len(other_version): return True def __ge__(self, other): """Define the behavior for testing for greater than, '>=' :Returns: Boolean :param other: The other object to compare this one against :type other: Version """ other_version = self._get_other(other) for semver in self._semver: if getattr(self, semver) > getattr(other_version, semver): return True elif getattr(self, semver) < getattr(other_version, semver): return False if len(self) == len(other_version): return True
[docs]def get_iiq_version(): """Obtain the version of InsightIQ installed :Returns: iiqtools.utils.versions.Version """ try: iiqtools_version = get_distribution('isilon_insightiq').version except DistributionNotFound: return None else: return Version(name='insightiq', version=iiqtools_version)
[docs]def get_iiqtools_version(): """Obtain the version of iiqtools installed :Returns: iiqtools.utils.versions.Version """ try: iiqtools_version = get_distribution('iiqtools').version except DistributionNotFound: return None else: return Version(name='iiqtools', version=iiqtools_version)
_PatchInfo = namedtuple("PatchInfo", "iiq_dir patches_dir specific_patch is_installed readme all_patches") # So we can have a nice docstring for the namedtuple
[docs]class PatchInfo(_PatchInfo): """Describes the state of patches for InsightIQ :param iiq_dir: The file system path where InsightIQ source is located. :type iiq_dir: String :param patches_dir: The file system path where patches for InsightIQ are stored. :type patches_dir: String :param specific_patch: Only populated when a patch is being installed/removed/read. :type specific_patch: String :param is_installed: If ``specific_patch`` is installed or not. :Type is_installed: Boolean :param readme: The README.txt for ``specific_patch`` if applicable. :type readme: String :param all_patches: All currently installed patches. :type all_patches: Tuple """ pass
[docs]def get_patch_info(specific_patch, log): """Obtain the current state of patches for InsightIQ :Returns: PatchInfo (namedtuple) :param specific_patch: **Required** The name of a patch that's being installed/removed/read. :type specific_patch: String :param log: **Required** The logging object. This param is really here to make unit testing easier -> :type log: logging.Logger """ try: # IIQ 4.1.0 and newer runs on Python 2.7, older versions use Python 2.6 iiq_dir = glob.glob('/usr/share/isilon/lib/python2.*/site-packages')[0] except IndexError: log.debug('Unable to find InsightIQ install dir. Is it installed?') iiq_dir = '' patches_dir = iiq_dir + '/' + 'insightiq/patches' try: all_patches = tuple(os.listdir(patches_dir)) except (OSError, IOError) as doh: log.debug('Unable to list %s', patches_dir) all_patches = [] is_installed = specific_patch in all_patches try: with open(patches_dir + '/' + specific_patch + '/' + 'README.txt') as the_file: readme = except (OSError, IOError) as doh: if specific_patch: log.debug('%s : %s', doh.strerror, doh.filename) readme = '' return PatchInfo(iiq_dir, patches_dir, specific_patch, is_installed, readme, all_patches)