Source code for iiqtools.utils.cli_parsers

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
This module contains functions that parse stdout of a CLI command into a usable
Python data structure.

[docs]def ifconfig_to_dict(ifconfig_output): """Parse the output from the command `ifconfig` into a dictionary :Returns: Dictionary :param ifconfig_output: **Required** The pile of stuff outputted by running `ifconfig` :type ifconfig_output: String """ base = {'interfaces' : {}} iface_name = None for line in ifconfig_output.split('\n'): if line and not line.startswith(' '): # It's the start of a new interface chunks = line.split() iface_name = chunks[0].strip() iface = base['interfaces'].setdefault(iface_name, {}) iface['link'] = chunks[2].strip() iface['hwaddr'] = None iface['ipv4'] = {} iface['ipv6'] = {} iface['flags'] = None, iface['mtu'] = None, iface['metric'] = None iface['rx packets'] = {} iface['tx packets'] = {} iface['collisions'] = None, iface['txqueuelen'] = None, iface['rx bytes'] = {} iface['tx bytes'] = {} if 'hwaddr' in chunks[3].lower(): iface['hwaddr'] = chunks[4] else: iface['hwaddr'] = 'Loopback' elif line.startswith(' ') and iface_name: # keep parsing the interface info chunks = line.split() if chunks[0] == 'inet': ip = chunks[1].split(':')[1] bcast = chunks[2].split(':')[1] mask = chunks[-1].split(':')[1] if bcast == mask: # it's loopback base['interfaces'][iface_name]['ipv4'][ip] = {'mask': mask} else: base['interfaces'][iface_name]['ipv4'][ip] = {'bcast': bcast, 'mask': mask} continue elif chunks[0] == 'inet6': ip6 = chunks[2] scope = chunks[3].split(':')[1] base['interfaces'][iface_name]['ipv6'][ip6] = {'scope' : scope} continue elif 'Metric' in chunks[-1]: metric = int(chunks.pop(-1).split(':')[1]) mtu = int(chunks.pop(-1).split(':')[1]) flags = ' '.join(chunks) base['interfaces'][iface_name]['mtu'] = mtu base['interfaces'][iface_name]['metric'] = metric base['interfaces'][iface_name]['flags'] = flags continue elif 'RX' == chunks[0] and 'packets' in chunks[1]: packets = int(chunks[1].split(':')[1]) errors = int(chunks[2].split(':')[1]) dropped = int(chunks[3].split(':')[1]) overruns = int(chunks[4].split(':')[1]) frame = int(chunks[5].split(':')[1]) base['interfaces'][iface_name]['rx packets'] = {'packets': packets, 'errors': errors, 'dropped': dropped, 'overruns': overruns, 'frame' : frame} continue elif 'TX' == chunks[0] and 'packets' in chunks[1]: packets = int(chunks[1].split(':')[1]) errors = int(chunks[2].split(':')[1]) dropped = int(chunks[3].split(':')[1]) overruns = int(chunks[4].split(':')[1]) carrier = int(chunks[5].split(':')[1]) base['interfaces'][iface_name]['tx packets'] = {'packets': packets, 'errors': errors, 'dropped': dropped, 'overruns': overruns, 'frame' : frame} continue elif 'collisions' in chunks[0]: collisions = int(chunks[0].split(':')[1]) txqueuelen = int(chunks[1].split(':')[1]) base['interfaces'][iface_name]['collisions'] = collisions base['interfaces'][iface_name]['txqueuelen'] = txqueuelen continue elif 'RX' == chunks[0] and 'bytes' in chunks[1]: r_bytes = int(chunks[1].split(':')[1]) t_bytes = int(chunks[5].split(':')[1]) base['interfaces'][iface_name]['rx bytes'] = r_bytes base['interfaces'][iface_name]['tx bytes'] = t_bytes continue else: # empty line between interfaces continue return base
[docs]def memory_to_dict(output): """Parse the output from the command `free -m` into a dictionary :Returns: Dictionary :param output: **Required** The pile of stuff outputted by running `free -m` :type output: String """ lines = output.split('\n') the_keys = lines[0].split() memory_values = [int(x) for x in lines[1].split() if not x.startswith('M')] swap_values = [int(x) for x in lines[3].split() if not x.startswith('S')] memory = dict(zip(the_keys, memory_values)) swap = dict(zip(the_keys, swap_values)) return {'memory' : {'ram': memory, 'swap': swap}}
[docs]def df_to_dict(output): """Parse the output from the command `df` into a dictionary :Returns: Dictionary :param output: **Required** The pile of stuff outputted by running `df` :type output: String """ response = {'filesystems': {}} lines = output.split('\n') lines.pop(0) # pop the header lines.pop(-1) # remove empty string from end; result of spliting on lines... for idx, line in enumerate(lines): data = line.split() filesystem = data[0] oneK_blocks = data[1] used = data[2] available = data[3] used_percent = data[4] mounted_on = data[5] response['filesystems'][filesystem] = { '1K-blocks' : oneK_blocks, 'used' : used, 'available' : available, 'used percent' : used_percent, 'mounted on' : mounted_on } return response